My personal opinions on how the the world works.

Systemic Racism

In recent months, the phrase “Systemic Racism” has become politically correct.  Systemic Racism means racism that is incorporated into our culture or political system.  On one end of the political spectrum, we have politicians who complain of the evil of systemic racism and solicit the votes of people whom they can convince that systemic racism…
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Unsung Allies 2 :   El Salvador

The United States in 2003 invaded Iraq.  The media did not seem to want to mention some of our allies in our attempt to oppose Islamic terrorism.  Let me say a little about our staunch friends in one such ally, El Salvador.  On December 8, 1941, The United States declared war on the Axis powers,…
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Unsung Allies 1 :   Poland

The United States in 2003 invaded Iraq.  The media did not seem to want to mention some of our allies in our attempt to oppose Islamic terrorism.  Let me say a little about our staunch friends in one such ally, Poland.  In 1683, Muslims pushed into central Europe, hoping to conquer all of Europe and…
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Government as God

Once upon a time, our homo sapiens ancestors lived as family units without a larger organization.  They fed themselves by hunting and by gathering edible parts of plants.  Population was sparce, and there was plenty to go around.  There was not much contact with other groups, and no reason at all for fighting.  (Sounds like…
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Uvalde, Texas

In 2022 we were treated to long continuing media coverage of the Uvalde Massacre.  Suddenly a peaceful little town few people had heard of became world famous.  Within the coverage, I think there are still a couple of comments to be made.  Of course, I was not there, so my impressions could be influenced by…
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Biden and Khashoggi

2022 July 15 Biden and Khashoggi Today there seems to be criticism of Joe Biden for his friendly meeting with foreign princes responsible for the murder of Adnan Khashoggi.  Why is this a big deal?  Biden, after all, is a Democrat, and it is only one murder.  We seem to be hearing no mention of…
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Public Schools

Only a few centuries back, few children went to school.  From paleolithic times on, most lived and worked with their parents, learning at home to be hunter-gatherers, herders, or subsistence farmers.  Some few who were wealthy were tutored.  Some might join a monastery and receive classes in reading and religion.  King Phillip of Macedon hired…
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Antonyms :  Words of opposite meaning. E.g. (good, bad), (fat, thin), (darkness, light), (hate, love), (new, old), (high, low), (true, false), (healthy, sick), (honest, corrupt), (free, enslave), (profit, loss) Definition:  democrat – literally, one who believes in rule by the people, as opposed to rule by the elites, such as royalty, nobility, heroes, party members, or…
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Wars on Drugs

The effort to keep our people from victimizing themselves by using dangerous drugs without sound medical needs is a recent phenomenon.  In previous centuries governments did not have the resources that a wealthy society provided to attempt to regulate drugs.  Whether or not to take drugs was a matter of personal responsibility.  In the nineteenth…
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Red and Blue

The News Media for decades now have screened maps showing places that favor Democrats in blue and those that favor Republicans in red.  Why this plan?  It seems fairly clear that the MSM chose this scheme to confuse as much as possible the facts that true-blue Americans generally vote Republican while the Reds generally vote…
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